Friday, October 28, 2011

Planning and Budgeting With Womanly Determination and Flair

It's not easy planning and budgeting for the average household these days, so I'd like to show you how you can do it easily by applying a modern take on a very simple and easy to use age old method that will allow you to have every bill covered before it has even arrived and still have money to play with at the end of the day.
It's simple, money comes in, and money goes out. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that what comes in needs to be more than what goes out.
What it does take though is an organized, determined W.O.M.A.N (that's you) who is committed to taking control of her finances and making them work.
It's simply a case of planning ahead; knowing what is coming in, what is going out and of course being prepared for it.

To do this my Mother and her Mother before her used an old fashioned method of planning and budgeting called 'the coffee jar', usually found at the back of a cupboard or on top of the fridge, and in this coffee jar they would place a certain amount out of each weeks pay packet to cover future bills.
Fast forward a few years and today barely a soul is paid in cash, we have moved on to the digital age with pay deposited for us directly into our bank accounts, and bills paid electronically from these accounts with speed and convenience. No more standing in long queues at the bank or the post office and in theory much more time to do the things we enjoy.
Likewise there is also a much better, much faster and more convenient way of budgeting, it works just like the coffee jar but is much smarter than the coffee jar because it can work things out for us, it can answer our questions and really help us apply much more effective planning and budgeting strategies and it's called a spreadsheet. Sound scary? It's not.

Using a very simple but effective spreadsheet means you will never need to write a list of expenses ever again. You simply fill in the blanks on your spreadsheet with all of your own information, then watch as instantly the spreadsheet does the rest. A spreadsheet can tell you how much money is coming in, when it is coming in, where it is going and when it's going there. All the calculating is done for you. Change one piece of information in a spreadsheet and the whole sheet will adjust according to that change. As a result you can play around with different ways of planning your budget and always know instantly how that way will affect your overall finances.

Establishing a budget and sticking to it is not always easy, you need to be determined to take control. Once you develop the discipline to regularly consult your spreadsheet before making a financial decision, before popping into the shops on payday and seeing a new dress, a discounted book, the cutest little baby outfit you have ever absolutely fabulous pair of shoes, go home, enter it in the spreadsheet, and see how that unplanned purchase will affect everything you were planning towards, and who knows, all your discipline could mean a pleasant surprise. By being prepared you may find out you really can afford that fab pair of shoes after all, but only if your spreadsheet approves it ok.
BudgetMama is a savvy yet simple budgeting logic, what comes in should be more than what goes out, and by setting aside a small amount of funds each pay cycle you can be guaranteed to always be prepared for bills before they come in. Sometimes things are easier said than done, so how do we apply this simple logic into a workable system? Go to => [] now and see the BudgetMama Budget Planner Worksheet in action. Sarah G, the author and creator of the BudgetMama system offers loads of advise on planning and budgeting for the future while being able to still live without financial pressure today. By adopting the BudgetMama approach yourself you will develop the skills and discipline to control your spending and learn how to cover all your bills whilst still having some money left over at the end of the day. All it takes is determination and with that you can do anything!

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